Monthly Archives: September 2023

Coexistence and Tolerance: Understanding Semantics and Meaning


Explore the profound meanings of coexistence and tolerance in Arabic culture. Learn how understanding their semantics fosters diverse, compassionate societies. The concept of ‘coexistence’ is deeply ingrained in Arabic culture and represents the necessity for people to live in peace, show respect for one another, and share their means of subsistence regardless of linguistic, racial,[View More]

A Western distraction from climate action

The world has largely agreed on the need to reduce GHG emissions. (AFP)

As appeared on Arab News – It should be common knowledge by now that climate change is a complex problem with outsize consequences for the Global South. By 2030, most Small Island Developing States will lose up to 100 percent of their GDP to climate disasters. Similarly, Africa’s 54 countries will suffer some of[View More]

Dr Ali Joins UAE Parliamentary Delegation To China

Dr Ali Joins UAE Parliamentary Delegation To China

This month, Dr Ali joined Saqr Ghobash, Speaker of the Federal National Council and a UAE parliamentary delegation on a visit to China. The delegation met with a team led by Zhao Lijie, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress of the Republic of China. The group held a discussion session in[View More]